This Nancy cartoon strip is used with permission - courtesy of Guy Gilchrist.
Nancy is one of the best-loved comic characters of all time, famous for gentle humor and childlike innocence. Created by Ernie Bushmiller in the 1930s, since 1995, the strip has been drawn and written in Bushmiller's classic style by first, Guy and Brad Gilchrist, the award-winning cartooning team behind "The Muppets Comic Strip" and continued for the last three years by Guy. Nancy is famed for its gentle humor and surrealistic sight gags. Nancy's childlike innocence never wavers, no matter what is happening in the world around her.
She remains a devoted friend to her pal Sluggo, and can be, depending on the situation, a conceited prima donna or a fun-loving, cute and cheeky little girl. Nancy first made her appearance in the comics in the early 1930s, as a character in "Fritzi Ritz." The little girl with the big red bow became so popular that in 1938, the strip was renamed "Nancy." Nancy has entertained hundreds of millions of comics fans worldwide for decades. Nancy and Sluggo even appeared on a U.S. postage stamp in 1995.
Nancy appears in 365 newspapers in the United States and in 80 countries.
Jimmy as Sluggo with this lovely cartoon drawn by Guy Gilchrist and presented to Jimmy at the Holiday Inn Vanderbilt in Nashville on Tuesday, May 20th, 2014. You can see a slightly larger version of this drawing in the right hand column. Photograph © Tommy Turner.
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